Delete and Add New Helper Account

Each license comes with one helper account, you can purchase additional helpers for $1,000 each. You can certainly delete your current helper and add your accountant. 

To delete your current helper,

  • Click on your name at the top right hand corner and select Settings
  • Click on the Subscription & Billing tab on the left
  • Click on delete next to your helper's name

Once there is an unused Helper slot, just hit  Add Helper at the bottom and input the name and email address of the user you'd like to add; once this is done, that user will receive a new login email at the mailbox you entered.

To share your company with the new helper, 

  • Click on your name at the top right hand corner and select Settings
  • Click on the Companies tab on the left
  • In the "-Actions-" bar next to the company's name select Edit Company Setting
  • At the bottom of this screen you'll see a Sharing area -- this is where we'll add the new Helper's email address.

If there's anything else I can assist you with please let me know.