Accounts Interpreted as Dates

In your [IS/BS] some of your account names looked similar to dates. The culprits here were the [ACCOUNT NAME] accounts -- since they are literally just numbers, and some of them are the right length of digits, they can be understood as dates, and this was giving CFO Scoreboard some trouble. To get around this, I used a formula to quickly add the word "[ACCOUNT NAME]-" in front of all those purely numeric accounts.

Meanwhile for the future, if it's possible I would recommend making the amendment to your [ACCOUNT NAME] accounts that I've described, in your actual accounting system. If it's not possible or acceptable to make that change in your actual books, then you can always re-apply that change manually in Excel whenever you generate a new [IS/BS] statement. Let me know if you need any help in doing that in Excel -- happy to demonstrate.

Formula used to merge two cells =([cell 1]&" - "&[cell 2])