After a Phone Call

It's a great idea to follow up after a phone call or screen sharing session, with another message that recaps and clarifies everything. There are several reasons to do this:

  • Create a written record of what happened, so it can be referred back to later
  • Recount any details that the client may have forgotten
  • Clarify "who has the ball" aka who is going to do what action next, now that the call is done

Here's an easy way to do all of those things:

Thanks for the pleasant call today. I wanted to recap what we covered on the phone here, just to make sure everything is 100% clear:
- Here's what we discovered on the call.
- Here are the instructions I gave you.
- Here is who has the ball.
- Here is what will / should happen next.

I hope all that's clear! Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

To be customized as appropriate, of course.